Thursday, 21 March 2013

Music Moments: Episode 2

So my first ''Music Moments'' was dedicated to Grey's Anatomy. My second entry will be dedicated to One Tree Hill! Prepare for many more One Tree Hill blog entries so if you don't like the show you might wanna look away.
I love this music moment because it just reminds me of teenagers living in the moment and forming bonds with people they never would have met had it not been for high school.

Name of Episode: Pictures Of You

Episode Number: 4x13

Song Featured: Baba O'Riley

Artist: The Who

Favourite Lyric: ''The exodus is here. The happy ones are near. Let's get together. Before we get much older''

Favourite Quotes: ''Over the years I've known Haley James sarcastic girl, Haley James Scott rockstar and Haley James Scott mother to be. Today I got reacquainted with just Haley, my good friend''

''I spent an hour with Brooke Davis and I learned something people are gonna label you. It's how you overcome those labels. That's what matters''

''I also learned that one hour can change everything''


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Trouble With: Elena Ramos

I have recently got into the 2012 reboot of 1978's original Dallas and I am loving. I know a few posts ago I said that I felt some revival's should never be remade but Dallas is an exception! The fast-paced ethic of the show is just thrilling and every episode leaves me on the edge of my seat.

But...not every show can be perfect. There's always a character that just gets on your nerves and for me it lies in 'Elena Ramos''. Ugh, how do I even begin to explain my sheer dislike for this character? I guess I'll see how many points I can come up with?
1. Her being cast as a character in the follow up to one of the most successful shows of all time. I really believe her casting was somehow due to either nepotism or she's a casting couch actress. I know I sound catty and I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that she was the first cast member chosen to join the series who wasn't part of the original franchise.

2. Her boring character. She has to be one of the most poorly written characters in TV history. Not only is she completely one dimensional but she is the most boring character on the show. There's nothing worse than a character that's supposed to have no flaws and no secrets. Are we really supposed to believe that she's that perfect? Which leads me to point number 3...

3. Her lack of chemistry with Christopher Ewing. Apparently we're supposed to believe that these two have been in love since they were kids. I've seen snails with more chemistry! All their relationship consists of is her giving him kisses when he's feeling upset or angered about something. And she is constantly judging him whenever he acts anything but perfect. I mean I don't get how he can stand her! He has more chemistry with his step-mom than he does with Elena!

4. She looks old enough to be Christophers mom. When I found out that she was two years younger than him I was in utter shock. Really? Really? I get that Jesse Metcalfe has aged beautifully! But she looks around 45 which is incredibly alarming for a 32 year old! Which brings me to point 5...

5. She is in desperate need of a cheeseburger. Exhibit A

Not only this but her character is constantly shown eating only healthy foods. I mean come on everybody has their cheat days. And if she's not eating super-healthy food then she's jogging or doing something else to stay thin.
6. She believes she's the only one who can get through to John Ross. News Flash Elena John Ross doesn't love you! He's in love with Rebecca! Someone who he has a lot more chemistry with! John Ross seems as though he despises her at the moment so I really wish she would just leave him alone.

So there you have it six reasons to hate the character Elena Ramos. If any of you are reading this I am urging you to write to the writers of the Dallas revamp and ask them to get this character off the show. She is really pulling it down and I really feel she is the weakness in the show. Also Christopher needs to be free. And I forgot another thing...She is not a Ewing. Why are her and her family living in Southfork!?

Music Moments: Episode 1

Do you ever have those songs that once you hear just take you back to certain scene of a film or TV show? Aren't they the greatest? 

Music Moments is a look back at some of my favourite TV and Movie musical moments whether it be for dramatic moments or just scenes that make me smile or cry. In doing this I can hopefully introduce you to some of my favourite artists and help you uncover some great shows and music.

I thought I would dedicate my first ''Music Moments'' entry to one of my favourite shows Grey's Anatomy. As much as I love Grey's Anatomy I'll admit that it's lost its touch. But this music montage was during the glory days of the show; when Izzy was still at Seattle Grace, when George was alive, when Addison didn't have her own practice and when Meredith and Derek were constantly dealing with their feelings for each other.

Name of Episode: Losing My Religion

Episode Number: 2x27

Song Featured: Chasing Cars

Artist: Snow Patrol

Favourite Lyric: All that I am, All that I ever was. Is here in your perfect eyes they're all I can see.

Chasing Cars happens to be one of my favourite songs ever so when it was used for this scene I was ecstatic. I think it made me love the song even more!

Okay, so I wasn't the biggest fan of Izzy and Denny together but this scene breaks my heart. Katherine Heigl is such an underrated actress and should definitely consider more serious roles in the future because her performance in this is just flawless.

And then Alex walks in and he's trying to console her. And then the music kicks in! 

''An hour ago he was proposing, now he's on his way to the morgue'' This line breaks my heart. It's like you can actually feel her pain. When Alex takes her into his arms and she cries into his shoulder and they all just watch heartbroken. Katherine Heigl is one of the best criers I've ever seen. This show really deserves more credit!

''If I lay here, If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world'' - Doesn't this sum up Izzy and Denny's relationship.

Remember Burke? I used to think he was perfect for Christina. Then I found out what he was like outside of the show. Then Owen came along and Burke was forgotten. Christina and Owen forever!

''All that I am, All that I ever was is here in your perfect eyes they're all I can see'' - This line definitely relates to Meredith and Derek. Their love is just so powerful and it's so obvious that they're soulmates.

 When Izzy quits and confesses everything :( Am I the only one sobbing now?
The shot of her walking down the stairs with Alex and George following her is just so powerful as they grew to be the most important men in her life. I miss George! I miss Izzy!

And then there's the decision Meredith has to make. Does she pick McDreamy? Or does she pick Finn? Was there really anyone on Finn's side? If so I would love to know? I mean he was a perfectly nice guy but just sooo not for Meredith!


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Revival Anyone?

If you pay close attention to TV news you will have learnt that 90210 the spin-off of the popular 90s series Beverly Hills 90210 has been cancelled.

Why? Because of poor ratings. And when I say poor I mean POOR. Am I sad about this? I'm not sure. The quality of the  show has really struggled these past two seasons. I'm not sure if it's the college aspect of the show or the writers just getting lazy but I definitely think the CW made the right decision in cancelling it. As much as I used to love it, I believe it was time to shut up shop.

                                             Old                              vs                    New
Who I really feel bad for are the people who grew up with the show the first time around. I don't think I'd have had the heart to watch a show I loved so much be revamped and only have a few of the original characters left.
This now defunct revival got me thinking about two old favourites of mine that I would love/hate (mostly hate) to see a spin-off series of.

Dawson's Creek

The series that followed four friends Dawson, Joey, Jen and Pacey as they navigated their way through life in the small town of Capeside. 

 How did it end?
Poor Jen Lindley died from...I can't remember what from. Was it ever mentioned? Either way it was very sad. Pacey and Joey FINALLY ended up together. And selfish old Dawson got to meet his idol Steven Spielberg.

Posssible Spin-Off Story:
The 10th anniversary of Jen's death brings the rest of the group back to Capeside. Joey is now a successful anonymous writer. Still happily married to Pacey and they now have two children. Dawson, now a failed director has turned into a hermit after his meeting with Steven Spielberg didn't go the way he had planned and he has never truly gotten over Joey choosing Pacey. He continuously sees the ghost of Jen and has frequent conversations with her about how sour his life has turned out. And he is still pining for Joey which eventually leads to another Dawson and Pacey fight. This isn't helped when Dawson's sister, Lily falls in love with Joey's nephew, Alexander.

Would I watch?
No, imagine having to watch Dawson as an angsty, moody, self absorbed adult? Yes, of course people change but let's face it Dawson was and always will be a selfish b*stard. On the other hand I would love to see the marriage of Joey and Pacey but not at the expense of having to watch Dawson for another 3 seasons.

One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill was a show set in the fictional town of Tree Hill in North Carolina. It followed the lives of  two half-brothers Lucas and Nathan and the relationships they shared with Haley, Peyton and Brooke. And the fact that they shared the same father who only claimed one of them. And basketball of course! This was until season six when Lucas and Peyton decided to leave Tree Hill for good and they bought in new characters.


 How did it end?
Nathan and Haley obviously ended up together and their son, Jamie went on to beat Nathan's scoring record as predicted. Their daughter also grew to be super cute! Julian bought Brooke's old home for their family where they ontinued to raise their twins Jude and Davis. Who were also super cute! Quinn and Clay got married and adopted Logan (Clay's long-lost son) and Mouth and Millie got married and pregnant. Oh and Bevin and Skills got back together...yay! But there was no mention on what happened to Lucas and Peyton. Unless you count Lucas' brief appearance in an earlier episode with an even briefer mention of Peyton and Sawyer (their daughter).

Possible Spin-off Story:
Lucas and Peyton return to Tree Hill but no one will speak to them due to them leaving and not speaking. The show revolves around Jamie and Madison as history repeats itself when Madison falls pregnant with Jamie's baby. There is a also an over abundance of new characters no one cares about.

Would I watch?
No, the only way I would watch would be to see if there was a return of Lucas and Peyton. And if Bethany Joy Lenz was in it because let's face it she is an absolute goddess when acting and in person! But if there was a reunion show I bet Sophia Bush would be the only one to sign on and I don't think I could handle two more seasons of ''One Brooke Hill''.

The Comeback Kid

I've been gone from the blogsphere for a while. Mainly because I forgot the password for my old blog and couldn't think what to have as a theme for my old one. But now I am back and with a new topic: Pop Culture (mainly TV). Yes, I would definitely desribe myself as the ultimate couch potato. Instead of spending my nights out clubbing like the rest of the people my age I find myself vegging out infront of the TV, constantly looking for shows to keep me occupied for hours on end and searching for charaters I can live vicariously through. I searh for the shows that make me laugh, the shows that make me cry and the rare gems...the shows that make me laugh till i cry.

From now on this blog will be dominated by the latest TV news, episodes and shows. As well as the shows I wish would come back on air. with maybe the odd celebrity and movie thrown in there too, so stay tuned...