I have recently got into the 2012 reboot of 1978's original Dallas and I am loving. I know a few posts ago I said that I felt some revival's should never be remade but Dallas is an exception! The fast-paced ethic of the show is just thrilling and every episode leaves me on the edge of my seat.
But...not every show can be perfect. There's always a character that just gets on your nerves and for me it lies in 'Elena Ramos''. Ugh, how do I even begin to explain my sheer dislike for this character? I guess I'll see how many points I can come up with?
1. Her being cast as a character in the follow up to one of the most successful shows of all time. I really believe her casting was somehow due to either nepotism or she's a casting couch actress. I know I sound catty and I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that she was the first cast member chosen to join the series who wasn't part of the original franchise.
2. Her boring character. She has to be one of the most poorly written characters in TV history. Not only is she completely one dimensional but she is the most boring character on the show. There's nothing worse than a character that's supposed to have no flaws and no secrets. Are we really supposed to believe that she's that perfect? Which leads me to point number 3...
3. Her lack of chemistry with Christopher Ewing. Apparently we're supposed to believe that these two have been in love since they were kids. I've seen snails with more chemistry! All their relationship consists of is her giving him kisses when he's feeling upset or angered about something. And she is constantly judging him whenever he acts anything but perfect. I mean I don't get how he can stand her! He has more chemistry with his step-mom than he does with Elena!
4. She looks old enough to be Christophers mom. When I found out that she was two years younger than him I was in utter shock. Really? Really? I get that Jesse Metcalfe has aged beautifully! But she looks around 45 which is incredibly alarming for a 32 year old! Which brings me to point 5...
5. She is in desperate need of a cheeseburger. Exhibit A
Not only this but her character is constantly shown eating only healthy foods. I mean come on everybody has their cheat days. And if she's not eating super-healthy food then she's jogging or doing something else to stay thin.
6. She believes she's the only one who can get through to John Ross. News Flash Elena John Ross doesn't love you! He's in love with Rebecca! Someone who he has a lot more chemistry with! John Ross seems as though he despises her at the moment so I really wish she would just leave him alone.
So there you have it six reasons to hate the character Elena Ramos. If any of you are reading this I am urging you to write to the writers of the Dallas revamp and ask them to get this character off the show. She is really pulling it down and I really feel she is the weakness in the show. Also Christopher needs to be free. And I forgot another thing...She is not a Ewing. Why are her and her family living in Southfork!?